Joseph & His Coat of Many Colors
Joseph & His Coat of Many Colors
Item Number: P156
Size: 9 1/2" (24.1cm)
JOSEPH (Josephe, Josef, Jose, Guiseppe, Yosyf, Jozef, Jozka, Joska, Joszef, Jozsef, Jozsi, Jozio, Juzef, Juzieczek, Juziu, Jozo, Joza, Iosif, Osip, Osya, Osyp, Yeska, Yosyp, Yusif, Yusuf, Yusup, Yuzef, Yousef, Beppi, Jupp, Peppi, Sepp, Pepa, Pepik) [18th Century B.C.] is shown with his "œcoat of many colors,"� which Jacob, his father had given him as his favorite of twelve sons. This angered his brothers who sold him into slavery and told Jacob he was killed by wild animals. In Egypt, he interpreted Pharoah's dream and became his overseer. During the famine that followed his brothers came seeking grain. They did not know him, he did not reveal himself, but he finally made himself known to them & forgave them. They brought Jacob and the tribe of Israel to Egypt.